Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a winter day

How could you not love a winter day that gets to 70 degrees? It was wonderful. Megan and I spent some time outside this afternoon and evening. Back when she was non-mobile I would spread out a blanket and we'd sit out there and I would read to her and blow bubbles and let her play on her tummy.

Now she wants to control the bubbles...

And staying on the blanket is a thing of the past... (so is my control of keeping all leaves, grass, and twigs out of her mouth - after all it is fiber - right???)
She gets outside and she's on a mission - a modern day explorer! So much to see, so much to do, so much to put in her mouth...
But what she's really doing is trying to get over here...
To see this.... (also known as Bailey.... which by the way Megan can sort of say. Her version comes out sounding like - "A-yeee". But she always points and goes crazy so you know she's really trying to say Bailey. Not to mention Megan's special neighbor friends - Mandell and Hunter. They have a little brother a couple of months younger than Megan (they like to explore together) who was napping at the time.
It was a great day outside!
Now tomorrow it is supposed to be raining.....

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