Saturday, August 11, 2012

MN Zoo

We ended out time in MN with a fun trip to the zoo.  I have to say I LOVE to MN zoo....  Don't get me wrong, I love our zoo in Atlanta too - but really it's hard to compare.  I've been to the MN zoo twice and still haven't seen everything.   We weren't originally planning on going during this trip, but while we were in MN I read and article that the zoo was getting rid of their dolphins.  Oh so sad!!!!  Megan LOVED the dolphin training show and we decided we would fit in a trip back to see them one last time.


 And there they are!
 Megan loved the penguins too....
 We happened to be there at feeding time...
Nicole liked the these guys even better....

 We also had fun playing on the zoo playground...

 We also found time to play in the zoo splashpad....

Megan tamed a dino (Nicole wasn't going near it).
 And another favorite... the sea otters!
 They liked getting up close and personal!
 The MN zoo has lots of animals we don't have at our zoo (like the sea otters, penguins, dolphins, and grizzly bears - below).
It was a great way to end our trip to MN!

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