Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's to the park we go.....

With the weather sooo fabulous (it said it was 80 when we got home)... we had to head to the park after Megan's dance class. Thankfully her class is in the building just at the top of the hill from the playground. I'm finally learning the ropes for taking a 3 year old and a baby to the park. It's a bit labor intensive and yet easy at the same time. It's all about being prepared! No matter what - it's worth seeing the excited smile on this little girls face. Thankfully we seemed to have nipped (most) of our recent temper tantrums in the bud. We had to get that behavior somewhat under control before I could risk lugging Nicole out with our ticking time bomb. All I can say - the hard work the past few weeks to deal with that behavior has been worth it now that we can go out and enjoy ourselves.

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