Friday, August 5, 2016

The flexibility of Homeschooling

Oh yeah..... we like to start off our school year on the right foot.
Day 2.... trip to Six Flags!

We miss our friends from our previous school (which we were being redistricted from anyway), so we had to take advantage of some time together!

Day 3 of Homeschool.....  Dropped off my big girl for church camp (SURF).

It was like mommy school because I've never dropped off my baby to get on a bus to go away to a place I've never seen, for 3 days.

Day 4 of homeschool - with the biggest away, the littlest got some special time with her mommy teacher.  We decided to work on our writing through an animal research project!
At the GA Aquarium....

 we even got to see a dive show and learned that the divers are all volunteers, and that they have "guards" with big sticks to protect them - not from the sharks, but from the giant groupers.  Interesting huh!

Day 5.... ok, we actually had school at home!
Just keeping it real!   At this point, none of our friends have headed back to school yet - so we have some flex time built into our already flexible homeschool schedule.

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