Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rough Night

The Offender.....
The Victim....
Oh my - it was a rough night for getting ready for bed. Little Twinkle Toes exhibited some of her mommys grace by tripping over her own 2 feet and smashing face first into Daddy's recliner. Gee - it looks so soft - but evidently not when your falling forward face first. Ugh. After lots of tears (and Megan was a little upset too), and a boo boo ice pack, we recovered. Megan even recovered enough to give me a "cheese" smile - goose egg and all.

1 comment:

Whitlamy said...

We've had our share of goose eggs. The good thing...they're usually down by morning. The bad thing...the bruising seems to last awhile. i feel for her and you.