Here's Megan swinging herself on one of the bars. They would line up cones for her to kick down as she would swing to help her learn control of her legs as they stretched out in front of her. It was one of her favorite things to do!
Here's a little video of the foam pit. Listen carefully at the beginning and you'll hear her yell for help and that she's stuck... while she's still in the air. Silly girl. Today in the big gym, she ran to the end of a platform and jumped to Ms. Joy who was in the big foam pit. My little dare devil.
We always made time for the little trampoline. It's given her so much confidence in her physical abilities that she spends most of the day trying to jump with both feet, or skip. It's very cute to watch and you really can't help but giggle as she does a cross between a gallop and a skip through the house.
Whenever they would practice rolling, I would usually end up in a giggling heap. Let's just say that occasionally the kids (who were all 1) would actually get into a roll (like Megan did here) but usually they ended up just sliding down the ramp in some fashion. It was always funny to see how they figured out how to get down. Nate went ahead of Megan and he chose the tummy slide and scoot.
And after all that activity, you have to have some circle time and do some stretches!!!!! You can see on her face that Megan is enthralled by Ms. June and listening intently to her directions. I was amazed at how well she followed the directions of the teachers.
Then to top it all off... you could chase bubbles!
We loved our little "parks and rec" gym class. I have to say, if you are in our area and you are looking for something "physical" that is really age appropriate - this is it! Everything they did was catered to them and their ability level. They were challenged to try to new things, but never to a point of frustration. It was learning through play in the best way!
When they would stretch, they would incorporate fun songs like the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Humpty Dumpty (which is now one of Megan's favorite songs). But the funniest was to help the kids learn "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". So as you watch this video - Megan is ahead of herself and is sooooo ready for the "nose part"
At the end of class we'd all run back to the little gym for "stamps and bubbles". Megan realized the importance of this the 1st day... if you ran to the balance beam, Ms Joy or Ms. June would give you stamps on your feet, your hands, and if you were really good...your tummy!And we found out today that this summer they are having 2 and 3 day summer camps for her little tots class. So fun! I'm already excited about signing her up for a few days for a week or 2 this summer - it'll be 3 hours where she's following someone else's directions and doing something she loves with teachers she adores! Yipee!!!
And until then.... we couldn't just not do anything, so we are going to take a little art class that starts in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited and I think Megan will love that as much as she loved her gym class!
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