Saturday, October 29, 2011


Finally.... we got to carving our pumpkin tonight.  The girls helped me come up with the perfect look for our sweet Jack-o-lantern.
 Megan was a great helper!  I barely had to get any pumpkin goop out... Megan did it all.  Even though the start got off to a bit of a rocky start...
 Once she got over the smell, she was all about de-gunking it!  Nicole however, she didn't want anything to do with the innards of that pumpkin!
 Megan tried to involve her little sister, but she said - No Way!!!!

 Once he was all ready, we enjoyed the fruit of our labor!

Now we are ready for Halloween night!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Is Megan holding her nose while scooping the goop? Too funny!