Friday, July 22, 2011


We took a journey with some friends off to the Hundred Acre Wood to meet up with Winnie the Pooh and his friends!

We headed back to our new favorite theater for this fun showing...
I was a little worried that Nicole wouldn't be able to sit through it - but at an hour, it was perfect. And Nicole LOVED Pooh! Megan had a great time. She's so sensitive to movies that I was a little worried that it would be scary for her (she's never made it through "the blustery day") - but she hung on despite her near tears at Eeyore losing his tail, and her getting frightened by the scary "backson" monster - she loved it! So 3 thumbs us from us Blaisdell girls!
After the movie, we headed to our friend Kristy's house for the ultimate Pooh Party!

We had a great time at the movie and at the party. It's always a great summer day when you get to hang out with friends!

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