Saturday, July 3, 2010

My little Bear

This little one has been my little bear recently.... Yeah - she looks cute....
And she's still a keeper...
And her smiles and hugs do make it all worthwhile...

But - she's been a "bit" difficult the past few weeks. Truly a bear!
But if you were getting these chompers in...

You'd probably be a bear too!

This picture was taken last week - I can officially say that her top right tooth is IN. And she likes to use it! No sticking fingers in there!!! The 2nd top tooth is right behind it - in a few days I'm sure it'll be through too. Maybe then baby bear will hibernate for awhile... at least until the next set of teeth want to break though.
And don't you just love that mop of hair she has! I do! It has a mind of it's own - and is so long in the front that she needs a bow to keep it out of her eyes. Unfortunately she thinks bows taste good.

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