Note from Mommy: Well obviously we still have a little work to do before Nicole can sit unassisted. She's a few days away from being 5 months old. It's still early for her to sit alone, but I'm feeling a bit desperate for her to learn. :^) Today at the Dr's office she weighed in at 19 lbs, 14 oz (that would be 10 oz more than she weighed last week - Holy Cow!). Let me break that down for you - that means we are 1 lb and 2 oz away from hitting our car seat max weight... at the rate she's gaining weight that gives up 2 weeks. I just need her to be able to sit in a shopping cart and highchair before we say goodbye to the infant carrier.
On another note - we went to see our pediatrician today. She was going to check out Nicole's head to toe rash. They do think it was a "side effect" for the amoxicillian. And to make matters worse - it wasn't working anyway. Not only is that ear still really infected, but now so is the other side. UGH - Double ear infections! I'm seeing tubes in my future (again). Well, I was glad we were going in because we had a very rough night last night. Nicole was up a LOT - crying hysterically and with a 102 fever. Before going to the Dr's office - I knew her ear was worse, and figured she had double infections just from how she was acting. Then while I was sitting there, waiting.... I literally saw little pimply blisters popup on her feet... right before my eyes..... oh yeah - that fever last night wasn't due to her ear infections - she has hand, foot, mouth disease. Happy Easter to Nicole. The good news is that once the fever broke, she wasn't contagious. So even with her rash - she's not contagious.... however - sorry to her baby friends we've seen in the past few days - those days when she was contagious and didn't have any symptoms yet. Great.... Just a reminder, when Megan got this... I got it. Hopefully I have an immunity to it now because that was horrible. No wonder Nicole has been so fussy. blisters on your hands and feet and in your mouth, and double ear infections. Ugh - not a good start for April.
Wow that's rough! Glad you were able to get her seen so quickly. The sitting up unassisted really helps Mommy's back also, so hopefully she will get there soon.
I think our Graco seat goes to either 22 or 24 lbs if you want to borrow it to give you another week or two of time for her to learn to sit up.
Poor little baby girl! I hope she recovers soon and that none of the rest of you catch it!
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