Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

It's hard to believe it's already the end of November. My how this year has flown by and how different life is now. Last year we were expressing our thanks that the Lord was expanding our family and giving us the amazing opportunity to be parents. We had just found out that we were having a little girl. And now.... we have this adorable little girl who keeps us on our toes. We are so thankful that we have had the chance to watch Megan grow and change for 8 months.

And on her first Thanksgiving, we drove to visit my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins. It was about at 2 1/2 hour drive and Megan was a trooper. My parents weren't able to go last minute due to my mom being sick. So we jumped in the minivan with my brother and his family. So picture this... a FULL minivan - 2 men in the front, 2 ladies in the middle with a baby, and 3 kids in the back. It was a hoot. My youngest nephew would sing out kiddie praise songs at the top of his lungs. I just smiled and laughed and thought - out of the mouths of children, the Lord will be praised. We had a great trip and enjoyed being able to chat. Normally we are so busy with the kids that the adults don't get time to talk. So it was a nice change of pace. It's always a blessing to be with the extended family - we see each other twice a year for sure, and try to get in some other time, but it's so hard with everyone's busy lives. So our time together at Christmas and Thanksgiving is a real treat! The last time they had seen Megan she was just a few weeks old. The kids made cute "apple turkeys" (my cousin is a teacher also)

Today, the day after Thanksgiving, we've been hanging out here - it's been an eventful day. First, Megan is trying so hard to crawl. Today she figured out how to get one hand moving and then she looked like she was going to go for it and actually get a crawl going and then WHAM, face plant off the carpet and onto the hardwood floors. So we had our first bump of the noggin. Poor thing - a big red knot on her forehead... the really sad thing is that tomorrow we are going to have a big family picture taken. Hopefully it'll look a little less red and enlarged tomorrow. :^)
Once she recovered from the fall, we went outside (which always makes her happy) and watched Daddy mow the grass. With an acre to mow, he has a riding lawnmower and she thought that was cool. However she didn't know what to think about his protective gear.

It's been a great Thanksgiving so far and the weekend is far from over.

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