Or is it just me?
It is hard to believe that Nicole is indeed 2 months old already. She's a sweet thing. She's been a great nighttime sleeper - sleeping 7 hour stretches most nights. She's got a great temperment and is pretty laid back. When she flashes you a grin, it was worth the effort to get it. She's got a strong neck and holds her head up and that just makes her look even more cute. She'll occasionally try to flip over and actually loves to be on her tummy (unlike her sister). We are already having fun little conversations - of course those are made up of cute and funny sounds.
Nicole got a clean bill of heath and our Dr. proclaimed - she's just thriving! Oh yeah - she's thriving.
Height - 24 1/2 inches (97%)
Weight - 13 lbs, 13 oz (97%)
Oh good heavens, they look EXACTLY alike! I imagine Nicole will surpass Dawson's weight (he's only 18 lbs. now) shortly. They come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?
Oh, and I just looked back to see how big Bryce was at 2 months (I had a huge one and a peanut):
WEIGHT: 14 lbs. 13 oz - 95%
HEIGHT: 25 inches – 95%
Isn't it funny how different offices give you different stats. Just goes to show you can make stats say anything you want.
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