Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dance Camp

This past week, Megan went to dance camp!

Nicole found it to be very interesting, and really wanted to know when it would be her turn...
Megan was super excited because she had 2 friends in class with her - Elizabeth and Sydney. They are friends of hers from school.
It was sweet to see them having fun together...
and dancing together...
I think Megan liked sharing "her" dance teachers with her friends. Some of the girls who are helpers in her dance camp were some of the girls who sometimes helped in her dance class and at the recital.
She was super cute working on her ballet and tap moves.
Oh so serious looking...
They always ended class with a little fun dance that all the girls seemed to enjoy.

So fun.... But the summer fun isn't over and neither is the dance fun! We have another Dance camp mid July. And then her actual dance classes start back up in August. Nicole is seriously trying to figure out when it's her turn. She's see's the church where we have classes and as soon as she sees it she yells, "yance" and starts to dance in her carseat. It's just too cute!

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