Over 2 years..... that's how long it's been since I've been on here to update our family blog. In case anyone actually goes back to see the "good ole days" - this blog started as a way to keep our family out of state, up to date with all the things happening with our kiddos. They grow so fast - a few months of not seeing them and it's hard to recognize them. But then life happened and blogger got hard to use, and the payout was not worth the investment. It was the age of Skype anyway so real time was even better than a blog.
But here we are.... a new stage of life.
So... once again we resurrect the family blog to keep our family and friends in the loop as we get ready to embark on a new adventure. Well really, not one adventure - but 2! We are starting a journey of homeschooling - and we are starting a journey! A good ole family road trip. So.... welcome back to GA Blaisdells - buckle up and enjoy the ride (and photos).