Monday, May 28, 2012

Pool Time

The girls were SO excited when the pool opened!  Once we got all the illnesses of last week behind us, we were able to spend a fun afternoon splashing around.
Nicole was fearless (anyone surprised?)!  On the way to the pool she announced, "I dive in!"  And she was prepared!!!!

 It only took about 5 minutes for Megan to "remember" how to swim and get her sealegs working.

If anyone is looking for us this summer... check the pool!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Book Review: The Blessing

I recently reviewed The Blessing by John Trent and Gary Smalley.

This is a good book for parents who are seeking to be intentional in how they raise their children. The authors walk you through the 5 vital components of giving a blessing. Each component is full of stories and a handful of practical ways to implement passing on the blessing. I enjoyed the stories but wish that the book had been packed full of more practical ideas.

Overall it was an easy read and thought provoking. Personally it has made me think through my interactions with my children and my spouse to make sure I am pouring in to their lives with purpose.

This book was given to me for review from BookSneeze.  The thoughts and opinons are my own.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have to say that I am horrible with Cameras.... not the picture taking so much (although I definitely am not a professional) but the actual keeping up with them.  We actually have 2 cameras - one is bigger and a little better, but the 2nd is smaller and much easier to grab and throw into the diaperbag so I end up using that one more.  But on any given day I tend to lose one or both of them.  It's hard to admit that - but there is a story (isn't there always!)...

So our house was hit with some random virus this week and Megan's been sick with a bizarre fever that comes and goes and spikes and vanishes and then comes back again... wierd!  Last night I thought we had beat it and she went to bed fever free.  But at 11:30 it was back.  This morning she was fever free but of course it came back and she went to bed with a 102 temp again tonight.  Ugh.  So much for our first week of summer vacation.

But all that to say.... yesterday, when she had a moment of feeling better - we went outside and set up the easels and painted.  I grabbed whatever camera I could find - which was the little one - and took a few shots of the girls.

Then I sat my camera down.
Later, couldn't find it - couldn't remember where it was - where I sat it...

A few hours later I remembered where I sat it...
I remembered when I opened my trunk (of Tom's car - not the van) to put groceries inside at Publix and the camera slid off the top of the trunk and into the trunk.  yeah - somehow I drove 2 miles to Publix and the camera much have gotton lodged in the spoiler on the trunk and stayed there and then slid down the trunk door when it opened.  I am beyond thankful that I didn't run over it, smash it backing out of the garage and that I found it.... I could still be looking for it.

Currently I know where both cameras are and finally got them both uploaded so heres a peek at some pictures from the lost cameras...

Another look at Megan's dance recital:

And we can't leave out the fun we are having with Rocky.  Megan is thrilled that Rocky will now run and play with her.  Tom's happy too --- he's not the only one running through the yard with him.  This was this morning (when Megan was fever free) - the girls are still in thier pj's and Rocky woke up with lots of energy.
 Here is our sweet boy!

Last Friday, to celebrate the start of summer break - we headed to the zoo and met up with some friends!
There will probably be lots of zoo pictures this year.  For the first time we learned about the "passport" for zoo members - each month you go you get a stamp in your passport.  The more stamps you get - the more "prizes" you earn.  Next month the girls will earn zoo pencils.  Then when we hit the 4th month, they get cool zoo t-shirts.  Megan's eager to get to 6 months so we can get unlimited rides wrist bands (for the remainder of our membership).  Woohoo.  So if you are a zoo member and like me you didn't know about this passport deal - stop off at the member services desk and get your passport!!!!!! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Not too long ago I had a little play date at the park with some friends.

We were there with our youngest - who are all the same age... reminiscing about our park days when we were there hanging out with our oldest children (who are also all the same age).

Unearthed from the photo files... here's that first park date
with Will, Megan and Gavin ( I think they are2 1/2-3 years old)

 And here are the youngest siblings - Owen (he goes with Gavin), Nicole, and Emma (she goes with Will).  These little ones are 2 - 2 1/2 years old. 
It's nice to see siblings who get to have sibling friends!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Out and About

Last week, the pre-k classes had their end of the year party/field trip to the bowling alley.  It was fun to see Megan and all her friends tackle the pins.  I mean seriously - imagine a bowling alley full of about 25 four and five year olds, their parents and a few siblings thrown in.
Megan had fun hanging with her friend Sydney.

Nicole was a trooper - she sat and snacked and ate Megan's pizza (since Megan has decided that she no longer likes pizza... what??????)

 After we dropped the kids back off at school, I treated Nicole to a little date with mommy.  We headed over to Krispy Kreme for a doughnut.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The end of an era.

I guess Preschool can be defined as an era... a distinctive period of time.   Today was Megan's last day of pre-school.  I must admit that I shed a few tears today.  It actually hit me unexpectedly.  I figured it would be emotional when I picked her up and said goodbye to her teachers (who I adore).  But honestly, I didn't expect to drop her off and drive away fighting tears.  I'm not sure why it hit me so hard... perhaps it was just seeing my baby so happy at taking flowers to her teachers, or maybe knowing that this pre-school environment is "protective" and I know that it has nurtured her heart as it has nurtured her mind.  But whatever it was.... it grabbed my heart and squoze.  (Ok, perhaps that's not a real word, but it should be).
Megan started pre-school in the 2 year old class.  That was not planned!  I was SO sick when I was pregnant with Nicole - that Megan started because honestly, I was unable to function for awhile.  Anyone who's followed the blog for awhile will remember the story of Megan being potty trained and thinking that you always "spit" into the trashcan when you go potty - yeah, she needed a little extra attention.  That first day she was so little, it was hard to send her off.  But I knew that Cornerstone was a great place and that they would love her.  And for 3 years - they have loved her soooo much!

Here's a snapshot look at her years at Cornerstone....
2009 - 2 year old class

2010 - 3 year old class:

 2011- starting her 4 year old class

5/17/2012 - Megan's final day of preschool... my sweet 5 year old!

 I have to say that what really started my tears this afternoon was saying goodbye to the moms who are not returning to Cornerstone - their youngest are off to school next year.   I have to say that although I was really really reluctant to send Megan when she was 2 - it was such a good thing for her!!!!  And with that in mind, it makes me excited for Nicole to start in the fall.  I think she will LOVE it.  BUT, I've also cut a lot of our "obligations" in the fall so that I get to spend as much time with her as possible, because I realized how fast it goes.

So  - since this was Megan's big day - we'll just continue on with some of the other special events she's had the past week...
Last Saturday was her dance recital...

She has said that she doesn't want to dance next year, so... we'll see.

Saturday was a big day because not only was it her dance recital but it was also her final soccer game....

And Megan does not think she wants to play next year... we'll see if that changes before next spring.  I think some of that is because she pretty much got injured at some point in every game... the last 3 games involved pretty big bruises and scrapes so she's a bit gun shy.

And now... summer is officially here!!!!!
Stay tuned to see what all is in store for some summer fun!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My 3 lovebugs

Happy Mothers Day to me - from my 3 babies!

Yes  - it's time for an update about how our new little furbaby is doing.  Rocky has grabbed everyone's heart.  He's been so great with the girls.  He's a little fearful of all the noise they can make, and sticks pretty close to me when they get a bit hyper - but he's also got such a tender little heart.  One afternoon Nicole woke up from her nap and was crying... Rocky was not ok with that.  So he jumped up on the couch with  us and put his head on Nicole's leg - just to make sure she was ok.  And of course, she was immediately fine!   Then yesterday, Megan fell and skinned both her knees.  Rocky was all over that - making sure she was going to be ok.  It about brough me to tears to see how sweet he was with the girls and how he made them feel better instantly.  They love that little guy!

 And he's definitely a momma's boy - but Daddy gets his time too!
 He LOVES running and playing in the backyard!
 I think he's scared to chase the girls (and I'm good with that) - but he'll run with Tom and I and just have a great ole time.  To let Megan get in on the fun - Tom just grabs her and go... that makes it all the more fun for Rocky (and Megan).
 I asked Megan what was the best thing about having Rocky.  She said - "all the love."
Then I asked, what's the worst?  She said - "poop!" 

But, the girls are getting trained in poop scooping!  Ok, realistically... right now they just take turns carrying the bag and waiting for the moment when Mom or Dad get to use it.
Some sweet moments to remember:
Megan:  whispering to Rocky, "I love you more than anything... except God."
Nicole:  "oh come here little sweetie.  You so cute!"

So we are having fun with our new boy - and he seems to be having fun with us.  I'm sure you'll be seeing him a lot on the blog!

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Bed, New Friend

Big happenings this Friday!!!

Nicole said goodbye to her crib....
 And hello to her big girl bed....
 She says she LOVES it!
 At naptime, she had a hard time settling down and ended up skipping her nap all together.  Then later she climbed into our bed and fell asleep for a short nap.  But tonight she's sleeping soundly in her own big girl bed.

For Nicole to get her  bed, that also means that Megan lost her bunkbeds.  She has gained "stuffed animal space" so she is pretty happy with that.
 You'd think that the excitement of new beds would be enough for our Friday - but no.....

We ended up going to get Rocky a few days early.  Let's just say we've had a fun evening of loving on Rocky and making him feel like home.
 Megan has taken her responsibility as "head dog walker" very seriously.  These two are sooo cute together.

Rocky has definitely adopted the girls.  Earlier today when I had to wake Nicole up from her unexpected nap, she was groggy and crying.  Poor Rocky didn't know what that was and sweetly got up and came to jump up on the couch with us to check on Nicole.  And that of course made everything better in Nicole's world.  And it caused me to get a bit teary eyed.  It was just so sweet.

Megan is hoping that Rocky will choose to sleep in her bed tonight...we'll have to wait and see. Currently he's getting some snuggles and pets from his new Daddy.  What a great blessing he has been to our family, in just one day!

Our First Graduate

Megan has officially graduated from pre-k. 
 It was a super sweet and special graduation.  We have had a great year and just love her teachers - Ms. Julie and Ms. Kathy.   I hope that Nicole will one day be in their class too.

I'm still trying to figure out how my little baby has grown so much, so fast!  I went in with a box of tissues... I was hoping I'd be able to keep it together and not get all emotional.  I was doing pretty good.  UNTIL....  They went around and asked all the graduates what they wanted to be when they grow up.  It was so cute - there were a few veterinarians, doctors, a super hero, firemen, a princess, a ballet dancer, an ear nose and throat dr (that got a few giggles), and then it was Megan's turn.  She was the last one.  Here is her response...
What do you want to be when you grow up?????
A Mom!  You can hear all the "aaawwwww's" that went through the chapel.  I think I got the camera off before you heard all the - "ok, you can cry now responses."  and cry I did.  That was the best mothers day pat on the back I could have ever recieved.

The kids also had a few songs prepared for us.  This was my favorite...
Of course I cried during the "Jesus I'll give you my heart" part too.  And I am so glad I didn't turn the camera off because of Megan's "unplanned solo" about half way through. 
What a special day for our little graduate.... and for her mommy!  A cherished memory that will carry me through the rough days of ES, MS, and HS.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

End of the year hoopla

It is that time of year! 
When it seems that when everything "winds down" that actually means the rat race is on...  all the final week school events, the last classes, the final outings, etc.  Makes for some busy days and some super fun memories.

Last weekend, Megan graduated from the Awana Cubbies.  YIPEE!
 She has worked hard for 2 year, memorizing scripture and making some great friends.  This year I was one of her teachers, so I didn't get to get a good picture of her getting her final awards.

But that was just a start to a week of celebrations -last week the pre-k classes had a Mother's Day Tea.  It was quite an event - We even got home made bonnets!
 And a book all about me (full of megan's perceptions of her mom).  I love the portrait on the front!
And they topped off the tea with some special songs just for mom!!!!

So sweet.
This week it's been about more "lasts" and about starting new "firsts."
Megan had her last gymnastics class.
And I registered her for Kindergarten!  aaauuuuggghhhhhhh!
Today she had her official evaluation - which went well.  And tomorrow.... we have "Kindergarten Roundup".  What's that?  I'll have to let you know that tomorrow....
But I think it's pretty much an orientation day prior to the summer - the kids get to go see what a REAL kindergarten class is, meet the teachers, and check out the school.  The parents get a tour, find out all sorts of "stuff" - like the dress code (they wear uniforms), and meet the teachers.

I am still in shock that Kindergarten is a stones throw away.
Later this week Megan has her preschool graduation - you know I'll have tons of pictures from that!  and this weekend is the big dance recital.  I'll try to keep the good times rolling!!!!